At Leeds Trinity University, as part of the Leeds Digital Festival 2019, Florian Thalhofer will be running a workshop on Korsakow filmmaking. The workshop will be composed of an introduction to the philosophy of Korsakow, a showcase of projects and a practical session on the software. The workshop is open to everyone.

Thu, 2 May 2019
13:00 – 16:00 BST

More information

{ Florian | 29.04.19 }

Workshop at TRT International Documentary Awards

more about this trip

{ Florian | 15.05.17 }

Istanbul University

more about this trip

{ Florian | 10.05.17 }

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Institut für Kulturanthropologie / Europäische Ethnologie

{ Florian | 03.02.17 }

Lab22 conference


{ Florian | 19.11.16 }

– Die Art wie wir Geschichten Erzählen


(this podcast is in German)

Wie uns die Art, wie wir Geschichten erzählen blind macht, für die Welt. Ein Vortrag, den Florian Thalhofer am 11. Oktober 2016 anläßlich der #DKT16 in der Humboldt Universität in Berlin hielt. 

Music by Jim Avignon / Neoangin and Ilja Pollach, Cologne.

{ Florian | 11.10.16 }

Cinemateca National, Bogota

with Arnau Gifreu Castells

{ Florian | 21.09.16 }

FH St. Pölten

{ Florian | 03.05.16 }


Workshop at Universität Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

06.05.2016 -> More Info

{ Florian | 02.05.16 }

This is be the second time I have the honor to speak at i-Docs symposium in Bristol. The last time was a couple of years ago, shortly after I had finished Planet Galata, with is a (normal to me) Korsakow film but also a linear version, that was made to be screened on ARTE television. In Bristol I reported under shock how insane it is, to construct a linear documentary, and that the result of such attempt should not be named documentary but what it is: fairy tale.

This talk was very important for me. It started to take me on a thinking process, a journey that I have been on for the last couple of years. I will try to formulate as clear as I can, what I found so far on this trip: The way we tell stories.

Wed, March, 2nd, 15:45, Bristol

Talk + Discussion with JUDITH ASTON and MARIA GEMAYEL.

Short abstract of my talk.

{ Florian | 27.02.16 }

Life According To Korsakow
– Stories Make Life

This episode is in English.

Episode II is about story telling. How stories shape out lifes, what Florian found in Egypt and the influence of the Hollywood format.

Music by Jim Avignon / Neoangin and Ilja Pollach, Cologne.


{ Florian | 19.01.16 }

Life According To Korsakow
– Bilder und Realitäten


Life According To Korsakow is the title of  series of podcasts that we plan to put out on a non-regular basis. It explores Korsakow-Thinking.

The first issue is titled “Life According To Korsakow – Bilder und Realitäten” (This podcast is in German).

{ Florian | 01.12.15 }

2015-09-18 Cluj Jim
At CLUJOTRONIC an Electro Arts and Games Festival in Cluj, Romania I had the pleasure to do a interactive show with my good friend Jim and his band Neoangin.
Sep. 18, 2015


2015-09-19 Cluj Talk
One day later I gave a talk about Korsakow at the same venue. There were actually people in the audience. The picture was taken before the talk.
Sep. 19, 2015

{ Florian | 15.10.15 }

2015-05-27 DocsBarcelona

Talk about Korsakow and its philosophy at DocsBarcelona 2015.


{ Florian | 30.05.15 }


It was my Fiat’s last journey and being an Italian car, I thought it would be neat for it to do its last trip to the country were it originated from. Well, the car did not make it, in Austria it gave up. It was towed back to Germany and the Meister at the Fiat Fachwerkstatt told us that it would not even be worth changing the oil, not talking about fixing whatever was broken. He was so kind to give us 50 € for it, which was pretty much the value of the gas in the car. No car no more.

So we arrived with a delay at Schloss Goldrain, the wonderful location for this years start of the EsoDoc sessions, where film professionals and journalists from all over Europe develop their documentary projects. My wife Elissavet accompanied me and she had a job there as well. More about that later. My job was to offer people new ways of looking at narration. This is my speciality, of course, and I enjoyed myself a lot talking about the philosophy of Korsakow. Will I get ever tired of it?


Apart from my lectures I also had the pleasure to work with participants on their projects is group-sessions, that were called think tanks. Well I don’t like tanks, but I love thinking! The participants were amazing, amazing, amazing, so I learned a lot! I also learned a lot from the other lecturers, among them Raimo Lång from Finland, I got to know him the first time and I will never forget the conversation we had late at night at the wine cellar. After an intense day we were dead tired but could not stop discussing narration.


Elissavet practiced some of her (what I sometimes call ‘witch craft’ and she calls – ) bodywork with participants of the workshop. It was a game between us, when I had to guess, with whom she had worked during the day. You could easily notice that, because of the people’s bright eyes and ideas. Sometimes I steal some of her tricks when I advice people on their projects. I can’t stop being surprised on the results.

This was a very intense week, with sessions starting in the morning and going till night. At the party at end of the week everybody was dancing wildly. 20 people from 18 different countries. My happiest moment was when an old song came up that I always listend to on my walkman, when I was 16 or 17.
The Pixies: Where is my mind?

May 3 – 8, 2015

{ Florian | 10.05.15 }

Just returned from a short trip to Brighton. I was invited by Crossover Labs and Sheffield Doc/Fest to give a one-day Korsakow workshop at the Lighthouse. The Crossover Labs guys had the brilliant idea to do a series of workshops with the leading softwares for creating interactive films. I am happy to see Korsakow among these softwares, with its unique angle. Before explaining the software, I talked quite a bit about the philosophy behind Korsakow, in contrast to the hyper linear approach of story telling in linear film and the multi linear approach of most other nonlinear story telling softwares. I made use of the combined brain-power of the workshop’s participants to understand what a story is. For quite a while I am now struggling with the question if a Korsakow film is a “story” at all. The phenomenon of a Korsakow film is for sure a narration. But is it a story?


{ Florian | 01.12.14 }


It was the second time that I was invited to deliver a TSCHK! TALK. TSCHK! TAKLS have a long tradition, they take place at a very secret bar at the heart of the center of the still cool Berlin. I was quite a bit nervous. For all of you, who have seen more than one of my talks, you might have noticed, that I always say the same. This time I wrote a completely new talk, with a lot of exciting new and complicated thoughts. Unfortunately I read it all from paper, because some of the thoughts were so new to me. It was a premiere and afterwards I had to a promise to my team of advisers, that I will never read a talk off paper again (at least outside of university).

Since then I gave that talk two more times and then off the top of my head and in English, and that was really fun! The 1st German version might have been a bit dry. But we fought that dryness at the end of the evening with Tequila.

The title of the talk: “Why we should stop telling stories”.

Nov. 27, 2014
La Lupita @ Kottbusser Tor


{ Florian | 29.11.14 }


Korsakow Workshop in Lüneburg

Florian Thalhofer leads a Korsakow-workshop at the Centre for Digital Cultures at Leuphana University Lüneburg.

May 1, 2014

{ Elissavet | 01.05.14 }

As part of  the East Doc Platform by the Institute of Documentary Film Florian Thalhofer will give a talk about Korsakow.

First A, then B, then C. Florian Thalhofer does not believe in that any more. But why is this the dominant structure when it comes to story-telling? Because the most influential form of narration is the one of linear film, where one still-image is glued to the following one, just like in the times of celluloid. Thalhofer proves that there are different ways. For more than 15 years he has been doing research on an alternative system to build narration called: ‘Korsakow’.

Open for: EDP accreditation & One World accreditation
Where: Cervantes Institute, Cinema Hall

March 5th, 2014

{ Florian | 02.03.14 }


Photo by Giuliana Cucinelli

Dec 2nd + 3rd, 2013.
10am – 5pm

This is the last stop on Florian Thalhofer’s short Korsakow tour of North America.

Thanks to Myriam Rafla of the Korsakow-Institut for coordinating, and to all our hosts: Ben Miller at Georgia State, Brenda Longfellow at York University, and William Uricchio and Giuliana Cucinelli at MIT.

{ Florian | 02.12.13 }

As part of our ongoing Korsakow Workshop Series, Florian Thalhofer will be Presenting at York University, Nat Taylor Cinema Friday, Nov 22, 10-11:30 a.m. followed by a Korsakow WS from 12-4:00 p.m. in ACW 102. Many thanks to Brenda Longfellow and the Department of Cinema and Media Studies at York U!

{ Florian | 22.11.13 }

Florian Thalhofer will be giving a talk on his documentary work, interactive films, and database narratives at the the 2CI New and Emerging Media Group at Georgia State University, Tuesday, November 19 from 10-11 AM.

The presentation will be held in the Digital Arts and Entertainment Lab (DAEL) theater at One Park Place on the Georgia State campus. Additionally, he will be conducting a workshop on Korsakow and interactive filmmaking at GSU later that day, from 12-6. Many thanks to Ben Miller and his team!

{ Florian | 19.11.13 }


Socially Engaged Documentary and The Web
Panel at RIDM – Montreal International Documentary.

Patricia Bergeron

Chris Dymond(Sheffield Crossover Labs), Remco Vlaanderen (Submarine), Philippe Lamarre (TOXA) and
Florian Thalhofer (Korsakow)

Monday November 18 th 2013/ 1pm/ Headquarters.Tickets here.

{ Florian | 18.11.13 }


I am currently preparing for a Korsakow-Talk at Biennale III in Frankfurt. Well, I talk about Korsakow all the time, but this time I will structure my talk in Korsakow. For that I sliced all my resent talks into small pieces and the audience will vote on what they want to see. This will be the third time this kind of talk will be performed, after Montreal and Athens both in 2010. Technically a bit tricky, it is fun, it is deep, it is an other Korsakow-experiment {in German}!

»Korsakow – ein alternatives, nicht-lineares Erzählsystem« Lecture mit Florian Thalhofer
Freitag, 1. November 2013, 12:30 – 13:30 Uhr im Frankfurter Kunstverein.

{ Florian | 28.10.13 }

2013-10-Koscher2 (1)

The Politics and Pleasures of Food
Veranstaltungsreihe der HALLE 14
Koscher. Über die Freiheit im Verzicht und die Verlockungen verbotener Speisen am Beispiel jüdischer Speiseregeln

Screening des Korsakow-Films „Was heißt koscher für dich?“ und Gespräch mit Ruth Olshan (Regisseurin, Berlin), Dr. Mirjam Wenzel (Medienkuratorin, Jüdisches Museum Berlin) und Florian Thalhofer (Künstler und Filmemacher, Berlin)
Mi, 30. Oktober 2013, 19 Uhr

Das Essen spielt in jeder Religion eine zentrale Rolle. Ob es Speisegebote, Verhaltensregeln bei Tisch oder der Verzicht auf bestimmte Lebensmittel sind. Der von  Ruth Olshan im Auftrag des Jüdischen Museums Berlin gedrehte Korsakow-Film „Was bedeutet koscher für dich?“ (2009) widmet sich jüdischen Ernährungsregeln. In zahlreichen Interviews werden verschiedene Blickwinkel auf Speisegesetze und –rituale erkundet. Warum werden Milch und Fleisch getrennt? Wie kann man seine Speisegebote und Traditionen in einer nicht-jüdischen Gemeinschaft aufrecht erhalten? Und welche Rolle spielen Vegetarismus und organische Küche im jüdischen Speiseplan.

Dabei lässt die narrativ offene, nicht lineare Struktur des von Florian Thalhofer entwickelten Korsakows-Systems verschiedene Betrachtungsweisen zu, ohne selbst zu werten. Thalhofer entwickelte das System und das zugrundeliegende Computerprogramm 2000 für seinen Film „Das Korsakow-Syndrom“ und hat seitdem zahlreiche Filme damit gedreht. Einzelne Filmsequenzen werden dabei zu einem vom Zuschauer beeinflussbaren Ablauf zusammengefügt.

Im Gespräch stellen die Regisseurin Ruth Olshan, der Korsakow-Erfinder Florian Thalhofer und der Medienkuratorin Dr. Mirjam Wenzel vom Jüdischen Museum Berlin, Film und Thema vor.

{ Florian | 28.10.13 }


Florian Thalhofer talks about Korsakow and his Korsakow-films at which is part of DOK.fest Munich.

May 10, 2013
11.00 hrs // Rotes Kino

{ Florian | 09.05.13 }


Together with Judith Aston from i-Docs Florian Thalhofer is lecturing at the Interactive Documentary Workshop which takes place at the Freiburger Film Forum.

May 9th, 2013
9 – 12:30 hrs

UPDATE: Great article by Judith Aston about the discussion that came out of the venue.

{ Florian | 08.05.13 }


Florian Thalhofer and Matt Soar will be presenting at the HASTAC 2013 conference (York University, Toronto, April 25-28th). Our panel on Korsakow filmmaking (Sunday 10.30am) also features Midi Onodera and Mél Hogan. (Florian and Matt will also be available for advice and consultation in the demo area at 1.30pm on Friday.) Hope to see some of you there!

{ Florian | 06.04.13 }


Florian Thalhofer in Texas – panel on nonlinear documentary at the South by Southwest® conference in Austin.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
11:00AM -12:00PM

{ more }

{ Florian | 08.03.13 }



{ Florian | 01.03.13 }

Florian Thalhofer – Gast im Seminar “From Video Vortex to Popcorn”
21. Januar 2013 “Korsakow und nicht-lineare Videoerzählung”

– öffentliche Veranstaltung innerhalb des Seminars zu “Extended Video”

In einem Werkstattgespräch mit dem Künstler, Filmemacher und Erfinder des Korsakow-Systems, Florian Thalhofer, sprechen wir über seine Ideen, Konzepte und Erfahrungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Nicht-Linearen. Anhand von eigenen Filmen und Projekten werden in einem offenen Gespräch Themen wie nicht-lineare Narrativität, die Rolle neuer Spielräume durch digitale Medien wie auch die Bedeutung und Möglichkeiten von interaktiven Formaten im Zusammenhang mit Video-Audiences erörtert.
Gegenwärtig arbeitet Thalhofer an einem neuen Korsakow-Projekt unter dem Titel “The Money and the Greeks” (in Kollaboration mit dem Goethe-Institute Athen).
Weitere Hintergrundinformationen zu seiner Arbeit.

“From Video Vortex to Popcorn”

Montag, 21.1.13
17:00 – 18.30 Uhr
Sülztorstraße 21-25

{ Elissavet | 20.01.13 }

Lecture by Florian Thalhofer about Korsakow and linear vs. nonlinear storytelling.

May 23rd, 19:00 – 20:00 hrs

Schlesische Strasse 26
10997 Berlin

For more information please visit the filmArche website

{ Florian | 22.05.12 }

Lecture by Florian Thalhofer about Korsakow, Planet Galata and linear vs. nonlinear storytelling. ...


DOKVILLE 2012: Vom Dokumentarfilm leben

Branchentreff Dokumentarfilm


Louis-Bührer-Saal, Uhlandstrasse 10, Ludwigsburg

May 4th, 11:00 – 13:00 hrs


Bericht über den Vortrag.


{ Florian | 17.04.12 }

Lecture by Florian Thalhofer about Korsakow, Planet Galata and linear vs. nonlinear storytelling.

Freie Universität

Takusstrasse 39, Berlin
April 12th, 14:00 – 16:00 hrs

{ Florian | 11.04.12 }

Lecture by Florian Thalhofer about Korsakow, Planet Galata and linear vs. nonlinear storytelling.

University of Applied Sciences

March 22nd, 14:00 – 16:00 hrs

{ Florian | 21.03.12 }

Lecture by Florian Thalhofer about Korsakow, Planet Galata and linear vs. nonlinear storytelling.


March 21st, 18:00 – 20:00 hrs

{ Florian | 20.03.12 }

Internet, wie haben Sie das gemacht?

Wie nährt sich die heutige Arbeit von Filmschaffenden durch das Internet? – Werkstattgespräch mit Florian Thalhofer, Mathilde Henrot, Romuald Karmakar, Julien Marsa und Andreas Wildfang.

16. Februar 2012 | 15 Uhr
Deutschen Kinemathek Berlin

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

{ Florian | 02.02.12 }

LMU, Institut für Volkskunde/Europäische Ethnologie
presents in collaboration with
Akademie der Bildenden Künste München

Public talk by Florian Thalhofer
Planet Galata and the Korsakow System
about the free and the unfree narration
{ the talk will be in English }

Akademie der Bildenden Künste München
06.02. 2012 | 19:00 lecture studio i-crew A.02.63

{ Florian | 02.02.12 }

Anja C. Wagner kenne ich aus dem Internet. Scheinbar haben wir uns auch schon mal in der richtigen Welt getroffen, aber das haben wir wieder vergessen. Anja C. Wagner beschäftigt sich auch beruflich mit dem Netz und nun hat sie mich eingeladen, einen echten Internet-Vortrag vor einer kleinen, ausgewählten Internet-crowd halten. Für mich war es eine ganz besondere Erfahrung, nicht nur weil ich selten auf deutsch über das rede, was mich beschäftigt (Korsakow&Co), sondern auch, weil ich am Ende des Vortrags die Kopfhörer abnahm und plötzlich wieder in meinem kleinen Atelier in Berlin war. Schade, ich wäre gerne noch mit den Leuten, die mich eingeladen haben, zu einem Italiener gegangen. So wie sonst. Der Vortrag ist jetzt online, vielleicht interessiert es ja den einen oder anderen da draussen: Florian Thalhofer zu interaktiver Narration mittels Korsakow, ein wenig verwirrt und auf deutsch: hier.

{ Florian | 23.12.11 }

Florian Thalhofer is invited to give a talk at the Professional Media Master Class in Halle.

Oct 17, 2011, 16 hrs.

{ Florian | 15.10.11 }