As part of our ongoing Korsakow Workshop Series, Florian Thalhofer will be Presenting at York University, Nat Taylor Cinema Friday, Nov 22, 10-11:30 a.m. followed by a Korsakow WS from 12-4:00 p.m. in ACW 102. Many thanks to Brenda Longfellow and the Department of Cinema and Media Studies at York U!

{ Florian | 22.11.13 }

Florian Thalhofer will be giving a talk on his documentary work, interactive films, and database narratives at the the 2CI New and Emerging Media Group at Georgia State University, Tuesday, November 19 from 10-11 AM.

The presentation will be held in the Digital Arts and Entertainment Lab (DAEL) theater at One Park Place on the Georgia State campus. Additionally, he will be conducting a workshop on Korsakow and interactive filmmaking at GSU later that day, from 12-6. Many thanks to Ben Miller and his team!

{ Florian | 19.11.13 }


Socially Engaged Documentary and The Web
Panel at RIDM – Montreal International Documentary.

Patricia Bergeron

Chris Dymond(Sheffield Crossover Labs), Remco Vlaanderen (Submarine), Philippe Lamarre (TOXA) and
Florian Thalhofer (Korsakow)

Monday November 18 th 2013/ 1pm/ Headquarters.Tickets here.

{ Florian | 18.11.13 }

© | Project "The Money and the Greek" 2012

We’re delighted to report that GELD.GR – Money and the Greeks (2012) by Florian Thalhofer has been selected for this year’s Montreal International Documentary Festival (Recontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal, or RIDM). We are very happy that an other Korsakow-Film, Ceci N’est Pas Embres (2012) by Matt Soar, is also selected for the same festival.


Montreal International Documentary Festival
Montreal, Canada
Nov 13-24, 2013


Public screening
GELD.GR & Ceci N’est Pas Embres by Matt Soar
Sun. Nov. 17, 2013 at 5 pm tickets here.

{ Florian | 12.11.13 }


2 Day-Korsakow-Workshop in Kassel at this year’s Kasseler Dokfest. More information in German: here.

Nov 13 and 14, 2013.

{ photo from the last Korsakow-Workshop in Rio }

{ Florian | 28.10.13 }


I am currently preparing for a Korsakow-Talk at Biennale III in Frankfurt. Well, I talk about Korsakow all the time, but this time I will structure my talk in Korsakow. For that I sliced all my resent talks into small pieces and the audience will vote on what they want to see. This will be the third time this kind of talk will be performed, after Montreal and Athens both in 2010. Technically a bit tricky, it is fun, it is deep, it is an other Korsakow-experiment {in German}!

»Korsakow – ein alternatives, nicht-lineares Erzählsystem« Lecture mit Florian Thalhofer
Freitag, 1. November 2013, 12:30 – 13:30 Uhr im Frankfurter Kunstverein.

{ Florian | 28.10.13 }

2013-10-Koscher2 (1)

The Politics and Pleasures of Food
Veranstaltungsreihe der HALLE 14
Koscher. Über die Freiheit im Verzicht und die Verlockungen verbotener Speisen am Beispiel jüdischer Speiseregeln

Screening des Korsakow-Films „Was heißt koscher für dich?“ und Gespräch mit Ruth Olshan (Regisseurin, Berlin), Dr. Mirjam Wenzel (Medienkuratorin, Jüdisches Museum Berlin) und Florian Thalhofer (Künstler und Filmemacher, Berlin)
Mi, 30. Oktober 2013, 19 Uhr

Das Essen spielt in jeder Religion eine zentrale Rolle. Ob es Speisegebote, Verhaltensregeln bei Tisch oder der Verzicht auf bestimmte Lebensmittel sind. Der von  Ruth Olshan im Auftrag des Jüdischen Museums Berlin gedrehte Korsakow-Film „Was bedeutet koscher für dich?“ (2009) widmet sich jüdischen Ernährungsregeln. In zahlreichen Interviews werden verschiedene Blickwinkel auf Speisegesetze und –rituale erkundet. Warum werden Milch und Fleisch getrennt? Wie kann man seine Speisegebote und Traditionen in einer nicht-jüdischen Gemeinschaft aufrecht erhalten? Und welche Rolle spielen Vegetarismus und organische Küche im jüdischen Speiseplan.

Dabei lässt die narrativ offene, nicht lineare Struktur des von Florian Thalhofer entwickelten Korsakows-Systems verschiedene Betrachtungsweisen zu, ohne selbst zu werten. Thalhofer entwickelte das System und das zugrundeliegende Computerprogramm 2000 für seinen Film „Das Korsakow-Syndrom“ und hat seitdem zahlreiche Filme damit gedreht. Einzelne Filmsequenzen werden dabei zu einem vom Zuschauer beeinflussbaren Ablauf zusammengefügt.

Im Gespräch stellen die Regisseurin Ruth Olshan, der Korsakow-Erfinder Florian Thalhofer und der Medienkuratorin Dr. Mirjam Wenzel vom Jüdischen Museum Berlin, Film und Thema vor.

{ Florian | 28.10.13 }

Forgotten Flags

Forgotten Flags / Vergessene Fahnen will be shown in Berlin at Dabei sein ist alles? Partizipation zwischen Schein und Sein a venue of GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation). Forgotten Flags is a Korsakow-film by Florian Thalhofer, examining Germans and their relation to the flag. Filmed in the fall of 2006, half a year after the soccer world-cup in Germany changed the visibility of German flags in Germany for good.

August 31st, 2013

GIZ-Haus Berlin
Reichpietschufer 20
10785 Berlin

{ Florian | 20.08.13 }


GELD.GR at Sheffield Doc/Fest. GELD.GR is nominated for the Innovation Award.
June 12 – 16, 2013

More info.

{ Florian | 10.06.13 }


Prof. Heinz Emigholz is retiring as a professor at the University of the Arts, Berlin. We are very proud that for his final presentation he will do a Korsakow-Show, supported by the Korsakow-Institut.

The show will be in German. From the original invitation:

Wir möchten uns von unserem hochgeschätzten Kollegen, Filmemacher und Zeichner Heinz Emigholz am Mittwoch den 29. Mai um 19 Uhr in der Aula des Medienhauses der Universität der Künste Berlin verabschieden!

Im Rahmen der International_Flusser_Lectures wird Heinz Emigholz anlässlich der Herausgabe seiner Publikation “Zeichnung oder Film” einen Lichtbildervortrag halten.
Anschließend wird gedankt und gefeiert!

Mittwoch 29. Mai um 19:00 Uhr

Aula Medienhaus, Universität der Künste Berlin
10823 Berlin, Grunewaldstraße 2-5 (U7, M48, M85 Kleistpark)

Von Freitag 31. Mai bis Sonntag 02. Juni läuft ein umfangreiches Filmprogramm mit Filmen von Heinz Emigholz aus den Jahren 1972 bis 2011 in der Aula Medienhaus, UdK.

{ Florian | 29.05.13 }


Florian Thalhofer talks about Korsakow and his Korsakow-films at which is part of DOK.fest Munich.

May 10, 2013
11.00 hrs // Rotes Kino

{ Florian | 09.05.13 }


Together with Judith Aston from i-Docs Florian Thalhofer is lecturing at the Interactive Documentary Workshop which takes place at the Freiburger Film Forum.

May 9th, 2013
9 – 12:30 hrs

UPDATE: Great article by Judith Aston about the discussion that came out of the venue.

{ Florian | 08.05.13 }


Florian Thalhofer and Matt Soar will be presenting at the HASTAC 2013 conference (York University, Toronto, April 25-28th). Our panel on Korsakow filmmaking (Sunday 10.30am) also features Midi Onodera and Mél Hogan. (Florian and Matt will also be available for advice and consultation in the demo area at 1.30pm on Friday.) Hope to see some of you there!

{ Florian | 06.04.13 }


Sigrid Skarpelis-Sperk, Nikos Marantidis and the audience will discuss excerpts of the Korsakow-Film “GELD.GR – Money and the Greeks”.

In cooperation with TV100 and the Filmfestival Thessaloniki

Participatory Live Talk-Show
Wednesday, 27th, March 2013, 20.00 hrs
Kino Olympion
Aristotelous Platz 10, 54623 Thessaloniki
German + Greek

More info { Greek | German }

{ Florian | 26.03.13 }


Florian Thalhofer in Texas – panel on nonlinear documentary at the South by Southwest® conference in Austin.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
11:00AM -12:00PM

{ more }

{ Florian | 08.03.13 }



{ Florian | 01.03.13 }


More info {German} {Romanian}

{ Florian | 28.02.13 }


Very lifely Korsakow-Show on the topic of ‘Migration’ at the National Romanian Library. Guest Experts on stage were former science minister and now adviser to the president Dr. Daniel Funeriu and political scientist and migration researcher Dr. Uwe Hunger. The Korsakow-Show is part of the ongoing project Germania Transfer.

Biblioteca Națională a României, Bd. Unirii, nr. 22, București.
26. February 2013 – 19:00 p.m.




Korsakow Institut Goethe Institut Bucharest DAAD Soros Foundation

{ Florian | 26.02.13 }


From today on, the Korsakow-Film ‘GELD.GR – Money and the Greeks’ is available to view online. It is the 3rd part of the ‘Money and the Greeks’ project.

So far there are three lanuages available:

(We are working on an English version).


Part of the project are also a Korsakow-Installation, and a Korsakow-Show.

{ Florian | 02.02.13 }

Florian Thalhofer – Gast im Seminar “From Video Vortex to Popcorn”
21. Januar 2013 “Korsakow und nicht-lineare Videoerzählung”

– öffentliche Veranstaltung innerhalb des Seminars zu “Extended Video”

In einem Werkstattgespräch mit dem Künstler, Filmemacher und Erfinder des Korsakow-Systems, Florian Thalhofer, sprechen wir über seine Ideen, Konzepte und Erfahrungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Nicht-Linearen. Anhand von eigenen Filmen und Projekten werden in einem offenen Gespräch Themen wie nicht-lineare Narrativität, die Rolle neuer Spielräume durch digitale Medien wie auch die Bedeutung und Möglichkeiten von interaktiven Formaten im Zusammenhang mit Video-Audiences erörtert.
Gegenwärtig arbeitet Thalhofer an einem neuen Korsakow-Projekt unter dem Titel “The Money and the Greeks” (in Kollaboration mit dem Goethe-Institute Athen).
Weitere Hintergrundinformationen zu seiner Arbeit.

“From Video Vortex to Popcorn”

Montag, 21.1.13
17:00 – 18.30 Uhr
Sülztorstraße 21-25

{ Elissavet | 20.01.13 }

We are very happy to hear that GELD.GR and Planet Galata are both selected for the 30th International Environmental Film Festival (FIFE) in France. January 16th to March 12th 2013.

{ Florian | 09.01.13 }

Intensive 5-day Korsakow-Workshop @ Inter-Agir.
Led by Florian Thalhofer, the inventor of Korsakow.

Rio de Janairo, Brazil, November 14 – 18, 2012

{ Elissavet | 15.11.12 }

Bild: Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest / Sven Heine

Version 2.0 of the Korsakow-Installation of “Greek And The Money” is shown at 29th Kasseler Dokfest.

Nov 13 – 18, 2012

{ Elissavet | 13.11.12 }

065_GELDgr_epatsialos_hrTa Nea - 24. Oct. 2012168_GELDgr_epatsialos_hr154_GELDgr_epatsialos_hr150_GELDgr_epatsialos_hr149_GELDgr_epatsialos_hr


On Oct 22nd the 1st Korsakow-Show of “Greek and the Money” took place at the Goethe-Institut in Athens.

{ Florian | 04.11.12 }

Questions by Leda Galanou for

Why do you believe it is important that the viewer actively participates in an art project or a discussion of any kind, instead of simply listening to arguments or narrations?

Many brains are more intelligent than one brain. This is a simple fact. I very much believe that the answers to the questions, the solutions to the problems are already available. It is not one brilliant mind that knows and spits out the solution. It is the combined mind of the people that harbors the knowledge. But of course it is not an easy task to access this wisdom. In today’s media it is all about having a competition between different opinions to find the winner, as if this winner than knows what to do. We all have to participate, listen and share and take some of the responsibility. I try to use computers to visualize and enable us to understand multiple realities. In this endeavor the brains of the people are of crucial importance. I don’t want an audience that shuts up and listens. I want an audience that participates in the thinking-process.

What are, in your opinion, the cultural elements which the Greek and German people of today have in common, and which are those which separate them?

Also among Germans there are many different cultures. I myself grew up in the south, my wife grew up in the north. People from the north of Germany are different from people in the south. Same goes for the west, the east, the center. There are 16 different states in Germany, each proud to have a different culture. So if you put all that together and say this is the German culture what is the difference to the Greek? Well I would say: German people for a few years experienced a very strong economy, which seems to be good for building up confidence. Greek people experienced a very weak economy for the last couple of years. That makes the main difference. Greeks and Germans are both Europeans, that is what they have in common.

How can the audience participation in a “Korsakow Show” be described, except for the fact that they determine the subject of discussion?

Basically the subject of discussion is given. We will talk about “money and the greek”. There are video-clips (interviews and short narrations collected by me and my partner Elissavet in two travels across Greece) and there are two thinkers (Dionyssis Kavvathas from Greece and Claus Leggewie from Germany) on stage. These are the ingredients of the show. The ingredients were carefully picked (also with the help of hundreds of people that helped preselecting the video-material) and now the audience is guiding the talk. They can vote which video-clip should be seen or which of the thinkers should be heard. The audience can comment on different levels. The show is a cooking-pot, and the audience is the cook. There is not one message or goal other than maybe: “Think productively.”

What is it, in your opinion, that the Greek audience can gain from such an intimate communication with their German counterparts instead of, for example, with the people of another country in financial crisis?

This show is not only for a Greek audience. We want to show it in Germany as well and maybe in other countries. I hope that it helps building a better understanding for each other, and bringing the stereotypes more in sync with reality.

Could the “Korsakow Show” be described as a transmedia project, since it develops in multiple platforms simultaneously?

For many years I have used computers as my medium to create narrations or narrative projects. I grew up with computers and in my opinion it makes so much more sense, to use the logic and structure of computers to build narrations, than other usually much more linear and mono-dimensional formats. We are at the beginning of a new era of understanding and discussing the reality around us. Computers are crucial to discuss and understand this new level of complexity. This is beautiful, it is like entering a new world. I am experimenting with this new formats. I don’t know how this formats are called. I call them “Korsakow”.

What was your own impression from your journey in Greece last year, what kind of memories did you collect?

People are wonderful. Greece is beautiful. I am proud to be European. The rest is in video-clips – come and see for yourself on Monday at the Goethe-Institut!

The Korsakow-Show “Was ist.” takes place at the Goethe-Institut in Athens:
Oct 22, 2012, 20:30 h
Goethe-Institut Athen, Omirou 14-16, Athen

{ Elissavet | 22.10.12 }


Das LoveStoryProject im Rahmen der StoryDrive Konferenz.

LoveStoryProject@StoryDrive from Korsakow on Vimeo.

Sa. 13. Okt 2012, Buchmesse Frankfurt
10:30 – 11:30
Korsakow-Show / multimediale Lesung

Die Geschichte der Liebe ist so alt wie die Menschheit selbst – und doch wird sie immer weiter erzählt. Über die Liebe nachzudenken ist heute genauso paradox wie es gestern war oder morgen sein wird. Und doch wird immer wieder versucht dem Geheimnis der Liebe auf den Grund zu gehen – in wissenschaftlichen Studien, in Literatur, im Film…

Die Korsakow Show „LoveStoryProject“ geht seit 2002 ihren ganz eigenen Weg. Sie verbindet unterschiedliche Medienformate, kurze Erzählsequenzen, sammelt Stimmen aus aller Welt und verbindet sie in Live-Performances mit den Meinungen ihres Publikums. Im Rahmen des StoryDrive Festivals schlägt Florian Thalhofer, Medienkünstler und Initiator des „LoveStoryProjects“, ein neues Kapitel auf.

Videosequenzen und Kurzinterviews, aufgenommen in Berlin, Bremen, Dublin, Kairo, New York und Singapur bilden die Grundlage. Eine interaktive Lesung von den Autoren Fee Katrin Kanzler und Norbert Scheuer ergänzen die außergewöhnliche Multimedia-Show. Das Publikum moderiert – via Laserpointer und SMS.

Das Ergebnis ist eine interaktive Show und eine einzigartige Geschichte der Liebe.


Fee Katrin Kanzler, Die Schüchternheit der Pflaume, Frankfurter Verlagsanstalt
Norbert Scheuer, Peehs Liebe, CH Beck
Florian Thalhofer, Medienkünstler & Erfinder der Korsakowshow

{ Florian | 10.10.12 }

Florian Thalhofer comments on stupid comments of German politicians in an interview by Joana Ortmann on Bavarian radio B2, broadcasted August 9th, 2012:

You can listen to it here {in German language}.


{ Elissavet | 15.08.12 }

The Money and the Greek” is the latest project of, directed by Florian Thalhofer. It is still in the making and people are invited to preview selected raw-material and rate and discuss the material. You can either do that online or at special life-venues.

Our next Live-Preview we be held on

August 2nd | 7 p.m.
Körper- und Bewegungszentrum Elissavet Aggou
Ohlauer Strasse 3, 3. OG
10999 Berlin

Looking forward to see you there!

{ Florian | 31.07.12 }

Florian Thalhofer gave a radio- interview on his current Korsakow-Project “The Money and the Greek” at the well known Deutschlandradio Kultur.

Here you can listen to the interview here, which was conducted
July 23rd
11:40 a.m.


{ Florian | 23.07.12 }

The Money and the Greek” is the latest project of, directed by Florian Thalhofer. It is still in the making and people are invited to preview selected raw-material and rate and discuss the material. You can either do that online or at special life-venues.

Our next Live-Preview we be held on

July 18
7 p.m.
@FilmCafé Berlin

Schliemannstrasse 15

Looking forward to see you there!


{ Florian | 17.07.12 }


“The Money and the Greek” is the latest project of, directed by Florian Thalhofer in cooperation with the Goethe-Institute Athens.

The Opening of the Video-Installation will be held on
July 12th
8 p.m.
at Beton 7

Pydnas 7, Votanikos, 11855 Athens

The Installation will be open until 08th of September
3 p.m.-11 p.m. daily

{ Florian | 09.07.12 }

The Money and the Greek” is the latest project of, directed by Florian Thalhofer. It is still in the making and people are invited to preview selected raw-material and rate and discuss the material. You can either do that online or at special life-venues.

Our next Live-Preview we be held on

July 7
7 p.m.
@ Gaudycafé Berlin


Gaudystrasse 1

{ Florian | 05.07.12 }

The Money and the Greek” is the latest project of, directed by Florian Thalhofer. It is still in the making and people are invited to preview selected raw-material and rate and discuss the material. You can either do that online or at special life-venues.

The next Live-Previews will be held in Athens

June 22/23/24
8 p.m.
7, Pydnas St.,


{ Florian | 21.06.12 }

“The Money and the Greek” is the latest project of, directed by Florian Thalhofer. It is still in the making and people are invited to preview selected raw-material and rate and discuss the material. You can either do that online or at special life-venues.

The 4th Live-Preview takes place in Berlin:
Wednesday, June 20th 2012
7 p.m.

Time has changed to 6 p.m.!

Please spread the word..

Schlesische Strasse 26, Berlin

{ Florian | 14.06.12 }

Help making this film!


An appraisal by Florian Thalhofer – Co-production of the Goethe-Institute Athens with the Korsakow-Institute

End of 2011 and beginning of 2012 the media artist and documentary filmmaker Florian Thalhofer travelled Greece together with his friend Elissavet Aggou. They conducted numerous interviews and collected data for a new multiple Korsakow-project that Thalhofer is realizing in a co-production with the Goethe-Institute Athens.

Right now, the video-material is endued with rough cuts and subtitles. And it is already published online! You have the opportunity to rate and comment it – and to win a trip to Athens! Your comments are essential! You decide on what material we will continue to work.

Decide, which clips will make it into the Korsakow-film and which clips will be presented in the live shows. In your opinion: whose voice is notably important? Which statements impress, which points of view do you miss in the regular media? Rate, leave a comment – Your selection will influence the further discussion!


  1. Register here!
  2. You’ll be provided access to the clips which you can rate. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to leave comments.


  1. Win a trip to either join the opening in Athens or come to Berlin and visit the artist! Among all the Korsakow-reviewers (who submit more than 15 rankings) we will raffle off a trip to join the premiere in Athens. We cover your flight and hotel expenses for 2 nights.
  2. If you rate more than 15 clips, you will be mentioned in the films credits.

Find more information on the website of the project!

So far, the website is in German and Greek only, but we are working on an English version as well! Some of the interviews are in English already..

{ Florian | 05.06.12 }

Lecture by Florian Thalhofer about Korsakow and linear vs. nonlinear storytelling.

May 23rd, 19:00 – 20:00 hrs

Schlesische Strasse 26
10997 Berlin

For more information please visit the filmArche website

{ Florian | 22.05.12 }

This question came up a couple of times recently:

Can I embed a Korsakow-Film into WordPress?

Yes, you can. Please use this code:

<iframe src=”” frameborder=”no” align=”top” width=”720″ height=”400″></iframe>

Change "" with the URL of your Korsakow-Film. Adjust width and height.

If you need a place to put your Korsakow-film we can host it for you.



{ Florian | 18.05.12 }

Lecture by Florian Thalhofer about Korsakow, Planet Galata and linear vs. nonlinear storytelling. ...


DOKVILLE 2012: Vom Dokumentarfilm leben

Branchentreff Dokumentarfilm


Louis-Bührer-Saal, Uhlandstrasse 10, Ludwigsburg

May 4th, 11:00 – 13:00 hrs


Bericht über den Vortrag.


{ Florian | 17.04.12 }

Lecture by Florian Thalhofer about Korsakow, Planet Galata and linear vs. nonlinear storytelling.

Freie Universität

Takusstrasse 39, Berlin
April 12th, 14:00 – 16:00 hrs

{ Florian | 11.04.12 }

Florian Thalhofer was in hospital recently. During that time he wrote an article about the art of non-linear thinking. This article is now published with “Schnitt – Das Filmmagazin” Issue #66. Soon available everywhere you can buy newspapers and magazines (in Germany).

{The article is in German language.}


{ Florian | 11.04.12 }