i-Docs is a lab/symposium dedicated to the rapidly evolving field of interactive documentary. A day in Bristol where the makers and explorers of web-based-documentaries meet. I have the honor to give the last talk of the day. I will talk about Planet Galata and how ARTE television forced me to make a linear film. Planet Galata exists in two versions: There is a Korsakow-film forever on the internet and a linear Film, that was broadcasted on television on a day in autumn last year. I might be the only person in the world that ever made his first linear film for television with a background of pure nonlinear filmmaking. From my perspective it look like that: Linear film is a monster that demands it sacrifices – it forces the author to get rid of protagonists, and it makes him lie – all that for the sake of fitting the film’s truth. I can prove that – I will prove that in my talk!

On the way to Bristol.

This is the second time will I give that talk. The first time was at Matt Soar’s class in Montreal a couple of weeks ago. In that talk everything went wrong, that could go wrong. Technically. Looking forward for version 2!

i-Docs 2011 will be held at the Watershed Media Centre in Bristol.

March 25th, 2011, 16:20 – 18:00 hrs

{ Florian | 17.03.11 }