
A new exhibition is on at the Jewish Museum Berlin. The very last piece in the exhibition is a Korsakow-Film:

What does koscher mean to you?

Religious, traditional and secular Jews from different generations and different
cultural backgrounds ponder the significance of the dietary laws in their lives. They talk about the many possibilities of living out traditions, interpreting laws and designing identities in a non-Jewish environment.

October 9, 2009 – February 28, 2010
Jüdisches Museum Berlin

Director: Ruth Olshan, Camera: Simone Schmid, Dietmar Ratsch
Sound: Matthias Pätsch, Edit: Kathrine Granlund
Concept: Media-Department of the Jewish Museum Berlin
Made with the Korsakow-System by Florian Thalhofer | Berlin, 2009

Aviel Avdar mit Katrin Wank, Hillel Ben Sasson, Inge Borck (geb. David), Benjamin, Shulamit Jakobi, Rachel Kohn mit Familie, Yael und Shelly, Chris Merritt, Irina Rosensaft, Irene Runge mit Igor Chalmiev und Andreas Poetke, Shlomit Tulgan

Questions asked by:
Monika Flores, Dagmar Ganßloser, Edna Herlinger, Henriette Kolb, Mirjam Wenzel

{ Florian | 07.10.09 }