Hello all,

The project to entirely rebuild and renew The Korsakow System software application is entering its final stages, after six months of hard work by the core redevelopment team (Matt, Florian, Dave, and Stuart).

More info here: < www.cinerg.ca >.

We are now actively seeking volunteer beta testers to download and try out the new software and provide feedback prior to the official release of Version 5. This testing will take place during the last two weeks of May (ie 18th-31st), and will be followed by three weeks of intensive bug-squashing, tidying up, etc. by the team. If you are at all interested in helping out with this exciting open source project, please contact Matt Soar directly at this address:


Even if you can only offer a n hour or two of testing and feedback, that would be greatly appreciated by all of us.

It is not necessary to have prior experience testing software but some basic skills with manipulating video and image files is an asset. If you’ve used a previous version of Korsakow, we’re especially keen to get you involved. (Version 5 allows you to import and edit old K Films, so you could begin simply by importing an old K Film, editing it, and exporting. K5 now exports web-ready swfs rather than Shockwave files.)

The final release of Korsakow Version 5 – which will now be free and open source – is scheduled for late June, and will be accompanied by a brand new Korsakow portal full of exciting new features. This will be your one-stop shop for downloads, updates, discussions, support, a showcase, feature requests and further development – plus an honour-roll of pioneering beta testers!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

All best wishes,

Matt Soar

Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies
Concordia University CJ 4.329
7141 Sherbrooke St West
Montréal QC
H4B 1R6

{ Florian | 15.05.09 }