
Poetics of Online Documentary at Hot Docs documentary festival in Toronto, Canada.

Maybe you’ve heard of the internet and how everybody is going to be watching documentaries online in, well, soon. But will they look like documentaries as we know them? Panelists will present samples of online works and discuss the emergence of new doc forms.

Thursday May 6 | 11:00am – 12:15pm
Location: Rogers Industry Centre.

Moderator: Ana Serrano | Director, CFC Media Lab (Canada)

Annette Bradford | Online Producer, CBC Documentary Unit, CBC (Canada)
Katerina Cizek | Director/Coordinator, HIGHRISE, National Film Board of Canada (Canada)
David Oppenheim | Head of Development / Interactive Producer, Kensington Communications Inc. (Canada)
Florian Thalhofer | Director, Korsakow (Germany)

Update: Kelly Anderson & Lindsay Gibb wrote an article about the panel.

{ Florian | 05.05.10 }